GT investigates: Japan acts as US Indo-Pacific strategy ‘assistant,’ risks intensifying tensions in the South China Sea

Through a series of provocative actions in the South China Sea in recent years, Japan, a country that does not have any claim in the region, has gradually revealed its ambitions to play a more influential role in the busy waterway.

In its latest move, Japan and the Philippines held their first joint military exercises in the South China Sea on August 2 in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, according to Reuters. The exercises came less than a month after the two countries signed a landmark military pact allowing the deployment of forces on each other's soil.

What is Japan's real plan in the South China Sea? How has it gradually been forming a strategy for the South China Sea? How could its involvement affect the regional situation?

Eager actions

The Japan-Philippines drill took place within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, Reuters said citing the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It closely followed similar exercises between Manila and Washington on July 31.

On July 8, Japan and the Philippines signed a key defense pact, the Reciprocal Access Agreement, allowing the deployment of Japanese forces for joint military exercises, including live-fire drills, to the Philippines. It also similarly allows Philippine forces to enter Japan for joint combat training, media reported.

The defense pact with the Philippines is the first to be forged by Japan in Asia. Japan signed similar accords with Australia in 2022 and with the UK in 2023, according to the reports.

Some Western media interpreted the collaborations between Japan and the Philippines as moves to push back against China's so-called regional assertiveness.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian reiterated at a press conference on July 8 that the exchange and cooperation between countries should not undermine the mutual understanding and trust between other countries in the region. It should not threaten regional peace and stability, target any third party, or harm the interests of any third party.

The signing of the agreement will help Japan further sell patrol ships, radars, and other military equipment to the Philippines, seizing the Philippine arms market, seeking greater economic benefits, and expanding military and political influence, Zhang Junshe, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times.

The US has always used the South China Sea issue as a means to contain China, and Japan has also continuously supported and incited the Philippines to cause trouble and provocations in the region. To put it more directly, the US wants Japan to be its strategic pawn, and Japan wants the Philippines to be its cannon fodder, Zhang said.

To Chen Xiangmiao, director of the World Navy Research Center at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, "assistant" is a more appropriate word to describe Japan's role in the deployment of the US' Indo-Pacific strategy.

Japan has apparently accelerated its pace of using military means to influence security affairs in the South China Sea in order to achieve a long-term presence in the region. The signing of the agreement with the Philippines and the immediate deployment of the exercises under the agreement are obvious examples, Chen noted.

At the same time, Japan has also enhanced support for military and paramilitary forces in regional countries. In May, Japan agreed to provide the Philippines with a 64.3-billion yen ($6.8 million) low-interest loan for the acquisition of five additional Japanese patrol vessels, in a bid to help it cope with "China's aggressive activities" in the South China Sea, the Kyodo News reported.

These moves are, in fact, extensions of the US' plan to achieve global maritime domain awareness, according to Chen.

The US has always attached great importance to enhancing its maritime situational awareness capabilities as a key component of its national security and maritime security strategy since the September 11 attack in 2001. Against the backdrop of the Indo-Pacific strategy, it is actively promoting the construction of a US-led maritime situational awareness network in the Indo-Pacific region with the participation of regional allies and partners, aiming to strengthen the maritime containment of China, analysts noted.

Aside from military-related moves, Japan has also been actively attending small US-led multilateral mechanisms in the Indo-Pacific region such as the US-Japan-Philippine and the US-Japan-South Korea mechanisms. It also tried to participate in the formulation of regional rules such as the definition of navigation freedom.

Japan's active moves and cooperation with the US show that it is seemingly quite willing to act as the US' assistant, Chen said.
The assistant's plots

The "assistant" is as willing as it has its own ambitions.

Japan's first priority is to use the South China Sea issue as a means to divert China's attention and spread out China's military presence in the East China Sea, where there are ongoing disputes between the two countries, Chen stressed.

In addition, Japan has a long-term goal of establishing itself as a political and military powerhouse. By leveraging the South China Sea disputes, Japan aims to extend its influence into Southeast Asia. Furthermore, Japan seeks to enhance its role in regional security by deepening cooperation with countries in Southeast Asia, he said.

Lastly, the South China Sea is a critical passage for Japan's energy and goods imports and exports. Therefore, Japan is certainly keen to strengthen its control over this vital lifeline, according to Chen.

According to the VOA, 90 percent of Japan's energy and trade flow passes through the South China Sea. Japan relies heavily on importing crude oil from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, while one-fourth of the nation's total trade in 2019 was from the European Union and members of ASEAN that also rely on the sea route.

Taking these ambitions into account, analysts noted that while Japan's strategic alignment with the US still exists, at the same time, there is also a trend of rising strategic autonomy in Japan's Indo-Pacific strategy.

"Through collaborations with India, the Philippines, and Taiwan island, Japan is actively playing a role in forming an island chain. This chain starts from the Japanese archipelago, goes all the way to Taiwan island, with South Korea in the north and the Philippines in the south, then continues through Malaysia to India in the Indian Ocean, connecting the entire southern border of China. The South China Sea is a crucial link for Japan in weaving this chain, constructing a semi-circular containment barrier targeting China," Chen said, stressing that "Japan has really huge ambitions in Indo-Pacific area."

Yang Bojiang, director of the Japan Research Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, outlined the phased changes in Japan's South China Sea policy in a speech in November 2020.

According to Yang, Japan lost all overseas colonies after World War II and lacked a role in the South China Sea issue until the end of the Cold War. In the 10 years since then to the end of the 20th century, Japan entered "renewed attention" to the region. During this period, due to the existence of various political and legal restrictions, Japan mainly focused on observing and assessing the South China Sea issue, with few actual actions. In the 21st century, as Japan relaxed its self-imposed restrictions on military and security activities overseas, its South China Sea policy entered the "action" phase.

In 2016, then-Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe proposed Japan's version of the Indo-Pacific strategy as he was actively seeking a revival of Japan's international influence.

Abe's Indo-Pacific strategy was inherited and enhanced by the current Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. During the Abe era, the concept emphasized that a maritime order was based on the rule of law, freedom, and openness as the foundations for stability and prosperity in the international community. The current concept of the Fumio administration is broader, with a wide range of topics and partners, and a strong emphasis on pan-security, making it a comprehensive international strategy that combines alliance, containment of China, security, and other global aspects, read an article published in March by the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.

Japan started to make adjustment and try to achieve its own Indo-Pacific goals into the US' Indo-Pacific strategy since 2017 when former US president Donald Trump took office and established the Indo-Pacific strategy against China, in contrast with his predecessor president Obama's approach to seek economic, diplomatic, and security balance in the Asia-Pacific, according to experts.

The Japanese Indo-Pacific strategy has received some positive feedback and has increased Japan's visibility in international politics. However, its negative effects are also beginning to show.

Disturbed sea

Japan's intervention into the South China Sea has made Manila feel supported, becoming more reckless in South China Sea disputes, Chen pointed out.

The Philippines announced on Wednesday that it had launched two days of joint sea and air exercises with the US, Canada and Australia in its exclusive economic zone, Bloomberg reported.

In addition, since August 3, patrol boats and several Philippine fishing vessels have gathered near the illegally detained Philippine Coast Guard ship 9701 at the Xianbin Jiao (also known as Xianbin Reef). China Coast Guard (CCG) has been monitoring and effectively controlling the situation in accordance with the law, resolutely defending China's territorial sovereignty, the CCG announced.

Japan's intervention in the region would also expand the disputes between China and Japan in the East China Sea and the Taiwan Straits to the South China Sea, Chen warned.

Military competition in the region will be intensified. The risk of conflict between China and Japan in the South China Sea is also increasing, Chen noted.

The regional multilateral security mechanism led by ASEAN risks of being smashed and replaced by a fragmented security structure based on a US-led alliance system, according to Chen.

Regional countries should understand that they have more mutual interests with China than the US. And it is more beneficial to themselves to cooperate with China based on these mutual interests, rather than be used as a pawn in the US and its allies' geopolitical game, experts noted.

China’s Commerce Minister meets Italian auto industry leader ahead of major EV talks with EU

China’s Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with Roberto Vavassori, president of the Italian Association of the automotive industry, in Italy on Saturday to discuss the European Commission (EC)’s tariff against Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and cooperation between China and Italy in the EV sector, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Sunday.

The meeting came ahead of Wang’s closely watched visit to Europe. The MOFCOM announced on Thursday that Wang will meet with EC Executive Vice President and Trade Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis on September 19 to hold talks on the EC’s so-called anti-subsidy investigation and subsequent tariffs targeting the Chinese EV industry.

Experts noted that Wang’s trip will focus heavily on addressing the issue through dialogue and urged the EC to show sincerity in the talks. 

The priority of China and the EU is to establish effective communication channels, finding common ground in the EV sector, and both sides need to respect each other’s positions, Sun Yanhong, a senior research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Wang’s visit aims to address the dispute over EC’s recent actions against China’s EV industry. As the EU steps up crackdown on Chinese EVs, there is an urgent need for dialogue to reach a new model of cooperation in China-EU trade, particularly given the evolving regulatory landscape, Sun said

The EU has shown a lack of sincerity in negotiations and has proceeded unilaterally with the introduction of punitive measures. Although the EU claims to be open to negotiations, it has shown no sincerity in addressing the issue through talks, Sun added.

The upcoming talks between Wang and Dombrovskis represent the highest-level dialogue between China and the EU over the EV issue. The meeting could provide a path to avoiding an escalation of trade tension, which could lead to a resolution both sides can accept, said Sun.

The EC is reportedly considering final tariffs of up to 35.3 percent on Chinese EVs, in addition to the standard 10 percent car import duty. These tariffs would need approval from a majority of the EU's 27 member states and could come into effect by the end of October, according to Reuters.

Reuters reported on Thursday that Chinese EV makers had proposed setting minimum import prices to avoid the tariffs, but the EC rejected the offer. This move has drawn criticism from Chinese officials and industries.

The MOFCOM on Friday responded to the decision, saying that the move shows the EC's lack of sincerity in addressing the dispute through dialogue and stressing China's firm determination to safeguard firms' rights and interests.

"If the consultations fail to reach consensus in the end, the responsibility lies entirely with the European side," the spokesperson said. "China has the greatest sincerity to properly resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, as well as the greatest determination to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises."

Revised law stresses better on-campus defense education

China passed the revision to the Law on National Defense Education on Friday, stressing national defense education on campus and the assisting role of military organs in students' military training. 

The revised National Defense Education Law consists of six chapters. It was passed at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) in Beijing.

The revision improves provisions regarding students' military training and adds provisions stating that national defense education on campus should be aimed at raising awareness among students of their legal obligation to perform military service.

When conducting military training for students, universities and schools must follow the manuals - jointly written by education departments under the State Council and relevant units of the Central Military Commission - so as to strengthen the training of military skills, hone the quality of students' will, enhance their sense of discipline, and raise the level of military training, the new amendment reads. 

The local military organ is required to assist universities and schools in carrying out students' military training, such as arranging training teachers and offering training venues and facilities, according to the amendment. Some members of the Standing Committee said doing a good job in school national defense education is the basis for recruiting high-quality soldiers.

Xu Guangyu, a Chinese military expert said that entering the new era, many new changes have taken place in the international and domestic environment, which means putting forward new and higher requirements for national defense education is necessary. China's practice conforms to the international trends of enhanced national defense education, Xu said. 

The Law on National Defense Education was passed in 2001 and amended in 2018. The newly revised law will be implemented on September 21 this year.

China, PICs to build law enforcement team for lasting security

China stands ready to work together with the Pacific Island countries (PICs) to build a more professional law enforcement team to ensure high-level security guarantees for high-quality development and achieve lasting security in the region, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong said on Wednesday at the third ministerial dialogue on police capacity building and cooperation between China and the PICs.

Thanks to the cooperation between China and the regional countries, overall law-enforcement capability has significantly improved, which has been warmly welcomed by the local authorities and people. At the same time, improving social order and stability has ensured a favorable business environment, which in turn benefits China's economic cooperation with these countries, Chinese observers said. 

The ministerial dialogue was held in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian Province, which Wang co-chaired with Fiji's Minister for Home Affairs Pio Tikoduadua, Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday.

The PICs' eagerness to collaborate with China indicates a strong mutual desire, highlighting a stark contrast to the Western approach of transplanting their own systems, Chen Hong, executive director at the Asia Pacific Studies Center of East China Normal University, told the Global Times on Thursday.

Australian media outlet ABC claimed on Thursday that "Chinese state-backed hackers attacked the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)." 

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning refuted on Thursday the claim as "politically motivated disinformation," noting that the PIF Secretariat didn't link the hacking to China. 

Mao said the move aims to drive a wedge between regional countries and China.

Building a ’Talent Reservoir‘ - Empowering the Construction of a World-Class Power Grid Company

"I truly benefited greatly from this training session for new employees. Not only have my skills improved, but I also had a chance to develop other personal qualities. This experience has filled me with anticipation for my future work life," said Pei Yanan, a new hire of the State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company, on September 9, 2024.

During this new employee training, the State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company developed a training program for its new hires in 2024. Through a two-way selection process, career mentors were assigned and individualized development plans were created, helping the new employees transition from "workplace novices" to "business pillars." This initiative also reflects State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company's broader efforts in youth talent development.

To address issues such as an un-optimized talent structure and a lack of vitality among the work force, the company has established a "Talent Reservoir" focused on identifying and nurturing young talent. 

They emphasize the selection of top performers and have built a "reservoir" for young leaders and core staff members coming  from  all levels and stages. Focusing on team development, they reserve and cultivate talent, invigorate the cadre team, and improve support and tracking measures for young employees. Employees under 40 years old maintain individual growth records through a "One Person, One File" system called the "Young Employee Growth Archive," creating an efficient "young leader supply chain" to promote orderly mobility within the cadre team and ensure a steady flow of fresh talent.

 Additionally, they have established a mechanism to identify the capabilities and qualifications of young leaders relative to job requirements, incorporating methods such as tool-based identification and impression assessment to proactively and accurately recognize talent.

Inclusiveness builds an ocean. State Grid Qingdao Power Supply Company follows the principles of cadre development, employing a systematic mindset. They focus on critical areas such as selecting, cultivating, and deploying young cadres, building a comprehensive training system and enhancing relevant management mechanisms. This ensures that young cadres, who are politically sound, morally excellent, and academically  qualified, enter an optimal career ladder at the best age to maximize their impact. The company actively cultivates 'compliance + business' composite talents, thereby accumulating 'youth strength' for constructing a world-class power grid company.

Top legislature reviews draft decision on gradually raising retirement age

China's top legislative body on Tuesday started a regular session to review a raft of bills, including a draft decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age, the Xinhua News Agency reported. 

The move to adjust the retirement age is in line with both international practice as well as changes in China's demography and social and economic development, and is conducive to unleashing the full potential of China's increasingly high-quality population development to tackle demographic changes and support Chinese modernization, experts said. 

Zhao Leji, chairman of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, presided over the first plenary meeting of the committee's 11th session. 

The move came after a resolution, adopted by the third plenary session of the 20th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in July, outlined the task of refining its population development strategy in response to an aging population and a declining birth rate. 

According to the resolution, in line with the principle of voluntary participation with appropriate flexibility, China will advance reform to gradually raise the statutory retirement age in a prudent and orderly manner. Details of the bill have yet to be revealed. 

Experts noted that the move is in line with the actual situation of China's rising average life expectancy and schooling years, and conforms to the need to improve the efficiency of human resources. 

"As life expectancy continues to rise, there will also be more people aged 50-60 who are willing to work at their posts for a longer period of time," Zhou Haiwang, deputy director of the Institute of Population and Development under the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

In addition, the reform is conducive to tackling another change in China's demographic - an aging population, according to Yuan Xin, vice president of the China Population Association and a professor at Nankai University.

Average life expectancy in China has risen to 78.6 years as of 2023, Xinhua reported in August, citing a report released by the National Health Commission, compared with 57 years in 1957. 

In 2023, China's natural population growth rate was a negative 1.48 per thousand people, with those aged 65 and above accounting for 15.4 percent of the total population, Xinhua said in a separate report.

The dependency ratio of the elderly population in China reached 22.5 percent in 2023, an increase of 9.4 percentage points compared to 10 years ago. This has led to a reduction in the labor supply and created pressure on the continued disbursement of pensions, the report said.  

Necessary choice

Against such a background, gradually raising the statutory retirement age is a timely move based on the need for China's economic, social and population development, and a necessary choice to adapt to the "new normal" in China's demographic change, and to support Chinese modernization, experts noted.  

"It is a rational approach that balances the interests of all parties under the constraints of China's current population structure and social diversification," said Yin Xiwen, a researcher from the Tian He Institute of Labor Relations at Jilin University, in an interview with Xinhua.

"It also echoes with the global mainstream practice to cope with demographic change," Yuan told the Global Times, noting that almost all developed countries, including the US, have set the retirement age at 65 or older. 

It also adapts to China's changing demographics as well as improved education level and health situation of the population, experts said.

China's current retirement system, formed in 1950s, has set a relatively low retirement age - female employees retiring at 50 or 55 and male employees at 60. The average effective age of labor market exit was 64.4 years for men and 63.1 years for women across OECD countries in 2022. 

Experts allayed concerns that the reform could lead to pressure on the employment market, stressing that the impact could be "minimized" as the plan will be implemented in a phased manner and a series of supporting measures in labor market and pension system will also facilitate the transition process.

Gradually raising the statutory retirement age is just part of China's broader efforts to address the demographic changes. It has pledged to improve the employment-first policy and its social security system, as part of a comprehensive set of reforms outlined in the resolution adopted by the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee.

Partnership with China built on 'mutual respect, shared interests'

Rwanda, like many other African countries, values its partnership with China, which is based on mutual respect and shared interests; the two countries' collaboration has led to tangible results, especially in poverty reduction, infrastructure development and other areas, Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who is in Beijing for the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), told the Global Times. 

Kagame has visited China multiple times and attended the 2006 and 2018 Beijing summits of the FOCAC. 

"FOCAC has been a key platform for deepening the partnership between China and Africa. China's approach to Africa, characterized by sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, resonates strongly with Rwanda's values," Kagame told the Global Times. 

China has proven to be a reliable friend and partner, supporting Africa's development without imposing its will. "This model of cooperation is one that we deeply appreciate and seek to continue," the president said. 

China-Rwanda collaboration "has led to tangible results, especially in poverty reduction and infrastructure development," said Kagame. 

He noted that China has become one of Rwanda's largest trading partners, and the two countries have deepened cooperation across various fields, including trade, agriculture, green development, and digitalization.

"The Belt and Road Initiative has played a crucial role in enhancing Rwanda's infrastructure and promoting sustainable development," said Kagame. He said projects such as roads in different corners of Rwanda and in the City of Kigali, Institute of Polytechnic Regional Centre (IPRC) Musanze campus in the Northern Province of Rwanda, and the Nyabarongo II Hydropower Plant, have had a direct impact on improving livelihoods and supporting economic growth. 

"Looking forward, we see potential for further cooperation in areas such as digital economy, renewable energy, and agricultural modernization," Kagame noted. 

Kagame has visited several Chinese cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. He said what impressed him the most is the scale of development and modernization, particularly in infrastructure and technology, which serves as an inspiration for Rwanda's own development journey.

Both Rwanda and China share a history of overcoming immense challenges to achieve significant progress, said Kagame, noting that in terms of governance, both countries prioritize long-term planning, social stability, and the well-being of their citizens. 

He said China's model of development offers inspiration for Rwanda, while also noting the challenge for Rwanda is to adapt these experiences to unique context. Localization of Chinese experiences requires careful consideration of cultural, social, and economic realities," said the Rwandan President. 

Kagame envisions Rwanda becoming a middle-income country, with a diversified economy driven by innovation, technology, and high-value sectors in the next 10 years. On the global and African stage, Rwanda aspires to be a leader in peacekeeping, environmental sustainability, and regional integration and will continue to play a constructive role in African development, contributing to the continent's progress and standing as a strong advocate for African interests in international forums, the president added.

Kagame said the claims of "debt traps" and "new colonialism" are often unfounded and reflect a misunderstanding of the nature of China-Africa cooperation. "Rwanda, like many other African countries, values its partnership with China, which is based on mutual respect and shared interests," said Kagame, noting that "we believe in evaluating partnerships based on their actual outcomes, and our approach to cooperation is one that emphasizes sovereignty, self-reliance, and the pursuit of win-win outcomes."

As the voices of the Global South grow stronger on the international stage, it is essential for China and Africa to continue to strengthen their unity and cooperation, said Kagame. He said China's commitment to being a member of the Global South and aligning its interests with those of developing countries is commendable. 

"Together, we can work to ensure that our collective voice is heard in multilateral forums, advocating for a more just and equitable global order," said the Rwandan President. 

By highlighting the beauty of Rwanda and the hospitality of its people, Kagame said the country welcomes more visitors from China. He noted the two countries should promote cultural exchanges, educational partnerships, and tourism initiatives, while also enhancing mutual understanding and awareness.   

Beijing Xiangshan Forum makes breakthroughs in level, scale and representativeness of participants: organizers

The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum has made new breakthroughs in level, scale and representativeness of participants, which fully demonstrates openness and inclusiveness of China by providing such a platform of dialogue on equal footing, organizers said at a press briefing on Wednesday. 

The 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, a high-level security conference, will be convened at the Beijing International Convention Center from September 12 to 14.

During the press briefing, Wu Jiangang, head of the comprehensive coordination group of the forum's preparatory committee, told media that the preparatory work is progressing steadily. 

According to Wu, as of Tuesday, more than 500 representatives of official delegations from more than 90 countries and international organizations, in addition to more than 200 Chinese and foreign experts and scholars, have confirmed their attendance at the forum, making new breakthroughs in terms of the level, scale and representativeness of participants. 

The International Committee of the Red Cross, Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, NATO, EU, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation will also arrange for representatives to attend the forum. 

The forum will put into practice the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable global security, and serve as an important platform for promoting the implementation of the Global Security Initiative and building a global community of shared future. 

According to organizers, while continuing to provide a platform for equal dialogue and collective voice for developing countries and small and medium-sized countries, the forum also expanded the participation of developed countries and emerging powers, which injects impetus for strengthening South-South cooperation and promoting North-South cooperation.

The US placed unprecedented focus on the forum, sending a deputy assistant secretary of defense, Wu said. He added that former Chinese ambassador Cui Tiankai and the US State Department's former top China policy official Rick Waters will also be attending.

Different from the Shangri-La Dialogue, which always dominated by the US and the West narratives, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum provides an open and inclusive platform for dialogue and exchanges among all parties in the international community, which outlined China's image as a responsible major power, Wu told the Global Times.

Low-altitude economy sector seeks replicable mode for foreign markets

Companies in China's low-altitude economy are seeking to achieve a sustainable business mode in a bid to rapidly foster the growth of the sector at home and prepare for expansion overseas. 

Industry insiders suggested that a profitable, sustainable and replicable operation pattern is necessary for China's low-altitude economy, which is in a formative stage. Finding such a pattern will help Chinese enterprises along the industry chain participate in overseas markets, especially in Belt and Road Initiative partner economies.

The low-altitude economy refers to cargo and passenger transport by drone or aerial vehicles at elevations of up to 1,000 meters, which has become a vital segment of China's transport system and a new growth engine for the economy, Luo Jun, executive director of the China Low Altitude Economic Alliance, told the Global Times on Wednesday. 

Multiple Chinese start-ups that focus on the research and development of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft have conducted successful trial flights, and Luo predicted that by 2026, some will officially put eVTOL aircraft into commercial use. 

China has 70 percent of the global drone volume, making it the largest drone market worldwide, according to industry data. 

Luo noted that China's market scale for the low-altitude economy is also expected to be the largest.

The low-altitude economy was defined as a strategic emerging industry at the country's annual Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 and written into this year's Government Work Report as a new growth engine. 

Relevant departments and localities have been implementing corresponding policies and plans.

The Global Low Altitude Economic Forum 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in Beijing at the end of October, with invitations being sent to about 1,500 government officials, business leaders and investment agencies.

China’s Silk Road Maritime International Association announces integrated development strategy, promoting global sea transport under BRI

The Silk Road Maritime International Association, based in East China's Fujian Province, is implementing a comprehensive development strategy to promote a global sea transportation network under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), offering stable and secure logistics solutions amid complex international environment.

Li Nan, Secretary-General of the Silk Road Maritime International Association and the General Manager of Fujian Silk Road Maritime Management Co, told the Global Times that the association has put forward a six-point guideline, including establishing an association, a series of sea routes, a standard system, an information platform, a set of policy and a cooperation forum, to better provide high quality services to domestic and overseas clients.
Since the Silk Road Maritime International Association was established in 2018, the association has conducted close exchanges with leading ports, sea transport companies, logistics companies, trading and manufacturing companies and other partners.

To further enhance port and shipping service quality, Silk Road Maritime has named a series of routes that originate from Chinese ports, sail along countries and regions under the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, and meet the association's standards.

The routes now cover major coastal ports such as Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, and Xiamen in East China's Fujian Province, among others.

By the end of August this year, the association has grown to include over 330 members, with 122 named routes covering 10 Chinese ports and reaching 135 ports in 46 countries and regions worldwide, said Li.
In terms of forming standards, the Silk Road Maritime International Association collaborated with universities and research institutes, and issued service quality requirements across various links of the logistics chain, including ports, shipping, customs clearance, transshipment, and multimodal transport terminals. These efforts aim to build and improve the Silk Road Maritime service standard system, enhancing logistics efficiency and better supporting the development of trade.

Basing on the standard system, the association established a comprehensive online service platform which has realized functions such as public booking, full logistics visibility and tracking, and monitoring of routes named by the association. It has also installed modules for oceanic weather navigation and intelligent maritime services.

The Silk Road Maritime International Association received supports from local governments. Local governments in Fujian Province, issued a series of policies including financial supports for encouraging port operators, shipping companies and logistics companies to actively expand sea-land cargo sources and innovate logistics channels. The association has also launched a series of measures, such as quantitative assessment rewards, to encourage the industry to improve service standards, Li noted.

A key highlight of the guidelines is the 6th Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum, to be held in Xiamen, Fujian, from September 7 to 8. The event's annual theme is "Promoting the Integrated Development of Ports, Shipping, and Trade under the Silk Road Maritime," signaling that integration in ports, shipping, and trade will be the keyword for the next phase of the association's development.
Since its inception in 2019, the Silk Road Maritime International Cooperation Forum has been held five times, attracting more than 5,000 participants and developing the forum into a hub for government-business communication and a high-quality international port and shipping dialogue and cooperation platform under the BRI.

Currently, in advancing the integrated development of ports, shipping, and trade, Silk Road Maritime is focused on creating an integrated ecological layout of "points, lines, and surfaces" which refers to an overall construction of ports, sea routes and transport network.

In ports construction, almost all large coastal port groups in China have joined the Silk Road Maritime International Association, along with top global shipping companies such as COSCO Shipping, Maersk, and the MSC.

Over the past two years, the Silk Road Maritime e-commerce express line has handled over 50,000 standard containers, with cross-border e-commerce export goods exceeding 1.45 million pieces and a total value of 11.3 billion yuan ($1.59 billion) basing on the construction of ports and sea routes.

Li revealed that the upcoming forum will release multiple development progress of the sector, sign a series of cooperation agreements, including the release of the 14th batch of Silk Road Maritime routes and the Silk Road Maritime integrated development initiative.
Additionally, for the first time, the forum will feature a ports, shipping, and trade matchmaking meeting to strengthen the connection and collaboration between upstream and downstream of the industrial and value chains. Li emphasized that the Silk Road Maritime can play a crucial role in ensuring the security and stability of China's supply chain amidst the complex international environment.

During the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held in October 2023, China announced eight actions in pursuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, emphasizing that China will work to integrate ports, shipping and trading services under the Silk Road Maritime, and accelerate the building of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Air Silk Road.
"After six years of exploration, Silk Road Maritime has fully realized that the ultimate goal of port and shipping development is to better facilitate trade, using trade as a link to expand all-round exchanges between China and countries involved in the BRI, and to jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind," Li added.

Moving forward, Silk Road Maritime is considering the establishment of relevant financing firms targeting freight index futures trading, ship leasing, ship transactions, personnel training, and other finance services, further expand channels for enterprises' global business, creating a golden logistics channel serving the BRI partnership countries, Li noted.