Innovation-driven new productive forces create jobs in China, yet mismatch exists between education and market needs

Recruiters have explained job responsibilities for thousands of applicants at recruitment fairs, with job seekers rushing to these fairs. Such scenes were seen nationwide as the spring recruitment season started.

The demand for talent, especially in high-tech fields, is sharply increasing, the Global Times has learned. Analysts said that with the development of high-tech industries boosted by innovation-driven new productive forces, the demand for talent will continue to increase and more new jobs will be created.

Boosted by the rising popularity of Sora, a text-to-video model by OpenAI, the number of new jobs targeting artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) on domestic recruitment site Liepin increased by 612.5 percent in the first week after the Spring Festival holidays starting February 19, on a yearly basis.

The average annual salary has reached 443,700 yuan ($61,667). Algorithm engineers and product managers are the top two roles in demand, with algorithm engineers accounting for 18.95 percent of the open positions and product managers accounting for 12.63 percent, according to a report released by Liepin on Monday.

Emerging fields such as new energy, new manufacturing and biomedicine accounted for five of the top 10 open roles with the highest salaries in the first week after the Spring Festival holidays, according to a report Zhilian Zhaopin, a Chinese job-hunting platform, sent to the Global Times.

The number of openings posted by the new-energy, electrical and power industries increased by 14.5 percent year-on-year, read the report.

Employment conditions in 2024 are expected to be more favorable compared with last year, Li Chang'an, a professor at the Academy of China Open Economy Studies at the University of International Business and Economics, told the Global Times on Thursday.

"The fundamentals for economic development this year remain relatively solid. Employment in 2023 improved from quarter to quarter," said Li.

By the end of 2023, the total number of employed people in China was 740.41 million, with 470.32 million in urban areas, accounting for 63.5 percent of the total, according to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Thursday.

The increase in newly employed people in urban areas stood at 12.44 million for the full year, 380,000 more than in 2022, said the bureau.

Although the number of new jobs continued to increase, analysts warned that the pressure on total employment and structural problems remains.

The number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210,000, reaching a new high, according to the Ministry of Education.

The employment situation of college graduates is grim, but analysts said that China's high-quality development means a huge demand for well-educated workers.

The growing digital economy and the innovation-led new productive forces have created lots of new jobs, Pan Helin, a professor at Zhejiang University's International Business School, told the Global Times on Thursday.

New productive forces mean that advanced productivity has been freed from traditional economic growth models.

"The emergence of new productive forces is often accompanied by new industries, new business forms and new models. These new areas of the economy require a lot of talent, thus creating new jobs. The development of emerging industries such as the internet, big data and artificial intelligence has created new jobs," said Pan.

For example, by 2025, the total talent gap for energy-saving sectors and the new-energy vehicle industry is expected to reach 1.03 million, according to a Zhilian Zhaopin report published in January.

Analysts said that the focus should be on how to match the talent demand of enterprises with education at the university level.

"Certain industries and fields are facing challenges in hiring, particularly for skilled technicians, as talent demand continues to grow with technological advancements," said Li.

China's "demographic dividend" has been transforming into a "talent dividend," Sheng Laiyun, a deputy commissioner of the NBS, said on Thursday.

"The average length of education for China's working-age population has increased to 11.05 years, and the number of experts, scientific and technological research personnel, and research and development personnel all rank first in the world," said Sheng.

China to boost international air connectivity, build up airport hubs in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou

China's Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has vowed to strengthen international connectivity and global reach of its major airports, aiming to build world-class aviation enterprises and air hubs by 2050. 

CAAC will boost intercontinental connectivity and global influence of the airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, upgrading them into world-class aviation hubs, Han Jun, deputy administrator of CAAC, said on Wednesday. 

It is part of the administration's latest efforts to enhance transit efficiency, and streamline entry and exit process.

The CAAC will focus on elevating the capacities of major hubs in China, building international and regional hub airports in cities across China, and advancing development of air cargo hubs such as the Ezhou Huahu Airport in Ezhou, central China's Hubei Province.

The administration also plans to optimize resource allocation for airlines. CAAC also stressed the importance of improving operation efficiency of Chinese airports, airlines, and air traffic control, and aim to boost the overall transport capacity of aviation hubs with integrated transportation system.

Efforts will also be made to create a more convenient policy environment, by optimizing visa and immigration policies, as well as easing customs clearance.

‘Small yard, high fence’ can’t block China’s tech progress: FM

The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said that arbitrarily putting up barriers can't stop China's innovation, and it urged the US to support companies from all countries to promote technological progress through fair competition.

The remarks came after US chipmaker Nvidia identified Huawei as a top competitor in areas including artificial intelligence (AI) chips, and said that if the US tightens export controls on chips, its competitive position could be further affected in the long term.

"Small yard and high fence" will not stop China's innovation-driven development, nor will it do any good to US companies or the entire semiconductor industry," Mao Ning, Foreign Ministry spokesperson, told a press conference on Tuesday.

Mao noted that open cooperation is the core driving force for the growth of the semiconductor industry. China is one of the major semiconductor markets in the world. To fragment the market, destabilize global industrial and supply chains, and stymie efficiency and innovation serves no one's interests.

The US needs to follow the principles of market economy and fair competition, and support companies around the world in advancing science and technology through healthy competition, Mao said.

Nvidia identified Huawei as a top competitor in supplying chips designed for AI, such as graphics processing units, central processing units and networking chips, for the first time in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission last Wednesday, Reuters reported.

Industry observers said the move underscored the rapid ascent of Chinese companies' tech prowess, fueled by their stepped-up research and development (R&D) investment and the explosive demand in the domestic market.

"It shows that China has not been hindered by the US-launched tech war, but has instead made progress by developing its own chip technology and ecosystem," Xiang Ligang, director-general of the Beijing-based Information Consumption Alliance, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

China's AI sector is undergoing a development boom, with the scale of the core industry at 500 billion yuan ($69 billion) and the number of AI enterprises exceeding 4,300, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology last year.

While Chinese companies are reducing their reliance on US technology due to escalating chip bans, the curbs have had a negative impact on the business of US companies.

Nvidia is offering customers samples of its two new AI chips aimed at the China market, its CEO Jensen Huang said, in a bid to defend its market dominance amid the US export curbs, Reuters reported last week.

The offering shows Nvidia's urgent efforts to retain the Chinese market, yet the market reaction to the downgraded chips in China has not been very positive, as potential buyers are concerned that there may be further restrictions after purchase, Xiang said.

According to its results released last Wednesday, Nvidia recorded sales of $1.9 billion in the China market in the fiscal fourth quarter, which ended on January 28, Reuters reported.

That amounted to about 9 percent of total sales, down from 22 percent in the previous quarter when it reported $4 billion in sales in the region.

"This last quarter, our business significantly declined as we…stopped shipping in the marketplace (for China)," Huang said during the earnings call.

China and Brazil highly complementary in boosting agricultural productivity, competitiveness: business representative

China will play an important role in the key sectors such as logistics in helping Brazil to increase its agricultural productivity and competitiveness, Henry Osvald, president of the Brazilian Association for Industry, Commerce and Innovation in China (BraCham), told the Global Times, extending his expectations for deepening cooperation between the world's two agricultural powers.

The remarks were made as Chinese agricultural companies such as Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co and Syngenta have beefed up collaboration with their Brazilian counterparts with measures such as mergers and acquisitions. The efforts were made for better securing and diversifying food supplies, particularly soybean.

As part of recent efforts to deepen cooperation, Chinese companies such as Syngenta and Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co have made their moves this year in lining up to acquire stakes in Brazilian seed companies, according to .

The recent moves by the Chinese companies once again confirm that "China trusts Brazilian agricultural products to feed its population and expanding investment in Brazil makes a lot more sense," Osvald said.

Among China's major sources of agricultural imports, Brazil maintained its first rank in 2023 while further expanding the gap with the second placed US, according to a report released by China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Data show that Brazil exported $58.618 billion of agricultural products to China in 2023, accounting for 24.85 percent of China's overall agricultural imports, compared with 13.96 percent of the US.

The strong momentum of China-Brazil agricultural trade is mainly due to factors such as the increase in Brazilian soybean exports to China, the official opening of the Brazilian corn export corridor to China last year, and China's first bulk ship import of corn from Brazil, Zhang Weiqi, director of the Brazil Research Center under the Shanghai International Studies University, told the Global Times.

The lingering China-US trade frictions were also a reason that prompts Chinese traders to shift from US suppliers to other sources, according to Zhang.

China and Brazil share high complementarities and potential in agricultural cooperation.

On the one hand, Brazil is one of the countries with the most advanced technologies in soil and grain. By investing in seed companies, China will not only secure the supply of grains, but also acquire some technology which can be applied locally, Osvald said.

On the other hand China can also share equipment and technology with Brazil to boost production and help the country to be more competitive, the president said.

Brazil has one of the largest agricultural lands in the world and still a lot to be expanded. We say that Brazil is the agricultural country and we are quite confident that will keep feeding the world, Osvald said.

"A lot is being done to increase productivity and competitiveness and China will also play an important role especially on the logistics side, as there are already some large Chinese players investing on railway projects in Brazil to reduce transportation costs and lead-time of agricultural products," Osvald said.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil.

It is expected that both nations will seize this opportunity to elevate bilateral cooperation, setting an example for collaboration between China and Latin American countries, as well as promoting South-South cooperation, Zhang said.

China’s home-developed C919, ARJ 21 debut at Singapore Airshow, showing nation’s high-end manufacturing prowess

Two C919 and three ARJ 21 jets, which were developed by Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), debuted at the Singapore Airshow on Tuesday, using various formats and performances, COMAC said in a statement sent to the Global Times. 

On the sidelines of the Singapore Airshow, China's Tibet Airlines and COMAC signed a contract for 40 high-altitude C919 planes and 10 ARJ 21 orders. Henan Civil Aviation Development & Investment Group ordered six ARJ 21 planes including fire-fighting aircraft, medical use aircraft and emergency rescue aircraft, COMAC said in a separate statement sent to the Global Times.

International debut of China's home-developed planes, together with recent achievements in the high-end manufacturing sector, underscores the country's continuous efforts and determination in bolstering its high-tech development, which will significantly propel China's economic progress in 2024, observers said. 

The large-scale participation showcased China's strong confidence in its commercial aircraft. China is able to manufacture and start the market operation of domestic commercial aircraft, Wang Yanan, chief editor of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The achievement is also a major progress in the international sense, since only a few countries can manufacture commercial aircraft, Wang said. 

Wang noted that the Singapore Airshow is an opportunity to demonstrate China's manufacturing strength in high-tech products, while China's participation also showcased the country's strong willingness to explore the international market.
The Singapore Airshow, which kicked off on Tuesday and lasts until Sunday, is the largest aviation event in Asia. 

The C919 large passenger jet, which can seat up to 192 passengers and fly up to 5,555 kilometers, is equipped with advanced aerodynamic design, propulsion systems and materials, leading to lower carbon emissions and higher fuel efficiency. 

A total of four C919 jets have been delivered and safely carried more than 110,000 passengers since the plane made its maiden commercial flight on May 28, 2023. Mass production and the development of the series are both going smoothly, per the COMAC statement.

This year will be a key period to speed up mass production and deliveries of the C919, and for COMAC to integrate the industry, supply and innovation chains for the airliner while expanding in the overseas market, Qi Qi, an independent market watcher, told the Global Times.

The ARJ21 has a passenger capacity of up to 97 and a maximum flight span of 3,700 kilometers. It has good takeoff and landing performances with crosswind resistance ability at high elevations and in high temperatures. 

Since the ARJ 21 was put into commercial operation in June 2016, a total of 127 jets have been delivered, and they have safely carried more than 11 million passengers. Among them, two planes are operated by Indonesia's TransNusa Airlines on four routes based in Jakarta to five cities, and they have transported more than 100,000 passengers, according to COMAC. 

In December 2023, the C919 and the ARJ21 made their first appearance in the Hong Kong Administrative Region, marking the first time for the C919 to leave the Chinese mainland.

China has achieved fruitful results in the high-end manufacturing sector amid its rapid development and upgrading, and the continuing momentum will help the nation retain its leading position in the global competition, Pan Helin, a professor at Zhejiang University's International Business School, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The development of the high-end manufacturing sector will play a vital role for advancing China's economy this year, as it is a major representation of the new productive forces, Pan said. He added that the sector's development will also drive the development of related industry chains and create industrial agglomeration effects. 

China's first domestically produced large cruise ship, Adora Magic City, carried around 8,000 passengers in two separate voyages during the just-passed Spring Festival holidays, which is another vivid example of the country's manufacturing prowess. 

China has demonstrated its "strong momentum and broad prospects" in the development of new productive forces, the backbone of which are strategic emerging industries and industries of the future, Cai Wei, chief strategy officer of KPMG China Advisory, told the Xinhua News Agency in a recent interview. 

The share of strategic emerging industries, such as new energy, high-end equipment and biotechnology, in China's GDP surpassed 13 percent in 2022 from 7.6 percent in 2014, according to Cai. China plans to raise the level to 17 percent by 2025, per the Xinhua report.

China has ‘rich agenda’ for free trade negotiations in 2024 amid high-level opening-up

China is striving to complete negotiations on version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) in 2024 amid a "rich agenda" for FTA negotiations in a bid to further advance high-standard opening-up, Chinese vice minister of commerce Wang Shouwen told a press conference on Friday. 

China's active engagement in FTA talks reflects China's commitment to deepening economic cooperation and integration and will have a positive impact on both China and the world economy by promoting trade, investment, and regional economic integration, experts said.

The talks on version 3.0 of the China-ASEAN FTA are scheduled to take place in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, next week, Wang said.

Additionally, China will also complete FTA negotiations with Honduras, complete FTA upgrade negotiations with Peru and continue to promote the joining of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) this year, Wang said.

In November 2022, China and ASEAN jointly announced the official launch of the negotiations. The two sides agreed that the negotiations will cover fields including trade in goods, investment, and digital and green economy, so as to build a more inclusive, modern, comprehensive, and mutually beneficial China-ASEAN FTA.

"The upgrade of the China-ASEAN FTA caters to the mutual development needs of both China and ASEAN, and will contribute to further enhancing the bilateral trade volume," Zhou Shixin, a research fellow at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, told the Global Times on Friday.

Bilateral trade between China and ASEAN reached 6.41 trillion yuan ($900 billion) in 2023, with ASEAN maintaining its position as China's largest trading partner for the fourth consecutive year. China has continued to be ASEAN's largest trading partner for multiple years.

Additionally, the upgrade of the China-ASEAN FTA is expected to drive the upgrades of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and lay a good foundation for China's joining of CPTPP and DEPA, Zhou said.

Wang believes China now has more mature conditionsfor joining the CPTPP, as it has been consistently making efforts to promote deep exchanges with CPTPP members and enhance pilot projects and experiments within its domestic free trade zones, aligning with high-level international standards. 

"We have full confidence and the capability of meeting the high standards set by the CPTPP," Wang said.

China will also continue to engage in free trade negotiations or upgrade negotiations with the Gulf Cooperation Council, New Zealand, South Korea, and Switzerland to further implement the high-standard free trade zone network, Wang added.

High-standard economic and trade rules, as well as new content such as the lifting of the zero tariff ratio for goods traded, the promotion of telecommunications and healthcare services opening-up, and the expansion of market access for digital products will be included in the new free trade negotiations, Wang said.

"The proactive moves demonstrate China's commitment to further opening its doors and injecting new vitality into the regional economy amid the slowdown in global economic recovery," Zhou said.

2024 is indeed a pivotal year for the enhancement of free trade agreements. China's increasing domestic competitiveness, coupled with the opportunities of the digital and green era, as well as the "decoupling" and supply chain disruptions imposed by the US and the West, call for renewed efforts to upgrade free trade agreements, Wang Yiwei, director of the Institute of International Affairs at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times.

"It will not only drive China's economic growth but also contribute to open and inclusive economic globalization," Wang Yiwei added.

2023 saw the RCEP come into full effect and was a fruitful year for China to expand free trade agreements with other partners. 

"In 2023, we signed four new free trade agreements. As of today, we have signed 22 free trade agreements with 29 countries and regions, and trade with those countries and regions accounted for approximately one-third of China's total foreign trade volume," Wang said.

Chinese enterprises enjoyed import duty reductions of 2.36 billion yuan under the RCEP last year. At the same time, import enterprises from RCEP partner countries benefited from preferential treatment worth 4.05 billion yuan when importing products from China, which is a clear and mutually beneficial outcome for both sides, Wang said.

Saudi Arabia-China economic relations thrive as international model, reflecting strong trade volume and diverse partnership opportunities: chamber head

Editor's note: Saudi Arabia, as one of the earliest countries to participate in the joint construction of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), has demonstrated a strategic alignment with its own Vision 2030. This synchronization has injected significant momentum into the economic and trade development of  the two countries. The robust economic complementarity between the two countries creates vast opportunities for collaborative fields, ranging from energy and transportation to finance and technology. In a recent exclusive interview with Global Times (GT) reporter Yin Yeping, Mohammed A. Al Ajlan (Al Ajlan), chairman of Saudi Chinese Business Council, highlighted the fruitful results of bilateral cooperation and expressed optimism for stronger economic ties.

GT: Saudi Arabia was an early supporter of the BRI. How has Saudi businesses benefited from the participation, and what are your expectations for future bilateral cooperation in the joint construction of this initiative?

Al Ajlan
: There are great opportunities for economic integration between the Kingdom and China through the "Silk Road Economic Belt," which in many aspects is consistent with Vision 2030 in terms of its directions to exploit the Kingdom's strategic location to connect the continents of the world and make it a global logistics center.

This harmony and alignment between Vision 2030 and the BRI enhances opportunities for cooperation and partnership between the two countries, helps accelerate the pace of development and its sustainability, and provides Saudi and Chinese companies with huge investment opportunities.

Chinese investments in infrastructure in the Kingdom, represented by the BRI, are estimated at about $5.5 billion. In general, Saudi and Chinese companies have benefited and will benefit in the future from the huge investment opportunities presented by both Vision 2030 and the China-proposed BRI.

GT: Since 2013, China has become Saudi Arabia's largest trading partner, while Saudi Arabia has consistently been China's top trading partner in the Middle East for over 20 years. In what specific areas do you see the strongest complementarity between the two countries, and how can they enhance cooperation in these areas?

Al Ajlan: There is no doubt that the Saudi Arabia-China economic relations are strong and solid and are considered an international model to be emulated in fruitful, constructive cooperation and strategic partnership as a result of the support of the political leadership and government agencies in the two countries.

Given the volume of trade exchanges between the Kingdom and China, which amounted to about 397 billion riyals ($106 billion) in 2022, this reflects the strength of the strategic economic partnership and the diversity and multiplicity of trade and investment opportunities in the two countries.

Therefore, the areas of cooperation are open and multiple in sectors such as retail, technology, and the automobile industry, of which China holds a share of the Saudi market, in addition to energy, contracting, real estate, modern construction technology, smart cities, industry, and transportation.

Also, among the new investment areas between the two countries are the sectors such as renewable and clean energy, financial technology (fintech), tourism, entertainment, sports, and housing.

This steady development in the economic relations between the two countries came with the support of the political leadership in the Kingdom and China and this relationship is based on solid institutional frameworks such as the Saudi-Chinese Joint Committee, the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement, and bilateral cooperation agreements.

The Saudi-Chinese Business Council, which includes from the Saudi side about 350 companies, plays a great role in promoting bilateral trade, contributing directly to raising the level of trade exchanges and joint investments between the Kingdom and China.

GT: The People's Bank of China and the Saudi Central Bank signed a bilateral currency swap agreement in November 2023. What practical benefits do you anticipate from this agreement in terms of strengthening financial cooperation, trade, and investment facilitation?

Al Ajlan: This is an additional option that gives importers and exporters more flexibility and freedom to choose the currency they wish to deal in.

There is no doubt that it demonstrates the extent of the interconnected relationship between the two countries and also facilitates the process of trade exchanges.

 We do not negate here the importance of being subject to the regulations of the central banks in the two countries and the requirements and regulations according to which they operate.

GT: Energy cooperation is a major focus for the two countries. In your opinion, what additional paths can be explored in energy cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia, considering the dominance of conventional fossil fuels and the emerging trends in new-energy sources?

Al Ajlan: The Kingdom today has strong strategies and directions toward transitioning to a green economy and renewable and clean energy, and as China is considered the leading country in the global new-energy sector, the opportunities for developing investment and partnership in this field are promising between the two countries.

Chinese companies are among the largest companies in the world that manufacture solar modules, and indeed there is existing cooperation and multiple agreements between Saudi and Chinese companies in renewable energy projects, solar energy, and green hydrogen.

In the traditional sector, the Kingdom is the main supplier of oil to China, and cooperation between the two countries is great in this sector, including petrochemicals. 

Recently, Aramco signed several cooperation agreements with Chinese companies such as Rongsheng and Eastern Xinghong.

HKSAR government clarifies Chief Executive-recommended investment video is scam done by AI

The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Wednesday clarified video clip about investment plan put forward by the HKSAR Chief Executive was done by artificial intelligence (AI), and called on the public to be aware of the scam content. 

The HKSAR government said the so-called remarks by the Chief Executive in the scam video were fictitious, and condemned those who have attempted deception under the name of the Chief Executive.

The government said the incident will be referred to police for further investigation, and noticed the public to be cautious regarding similar investment-related advertisements or promotional videos, verify the authenticity of the content, and keep personal information secure. 

The AI-generated scam clip circulated online plagiarized an interview between HKSAR Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu and a local journalist, and forged an investment video using AI, which promoted a claimed HK$60,000 ($7,674.45) of payback per week by investing HK$2,000, according to Hong Kong media, and another scam video showed "AI-created Elon Musk" also joined the investment plan. 

Local news site TVB News reported on Thursday that Hong Kong police have not received any reports of individuals being defrauded.

Robotic operations

A robotic arm picking system operates in an orderly manner at a local factory in Suqian, East China's Jiangsu Province, on January 17, 2024. As the year begins, major enterprises in the city are working at full capacity to meet orders, achieving a good start to the year. Photo: VCG

China vows to actively develop AI standards, governance rules

China aims to develop 60 percent of AI-related standards serving innovations of key technologies and applications by 2026, part of the targets mentioned in a draft aimed at encouraging the regulated development of AI. 

The draft, issued by China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on Wednesday, also aims to put in place more than 50 national and industrial AI standards and 20 international standards to facilitate high-quality development of the AI industry.

The draft also proposes for more than 1,000 companies to adopt and advocate for new standards. There will have more than 1,000 companies expected to contribute and embrace these new standards, while the draft also encourages Chinese AI enterprises to participate in international cooperation in this field. 

The draft is made in the background as China's AI industry is developing quickly in terms of technology innovation and applications. 

With the accelerated technologies represented by large models, the AI industry has shown new paths forward in tech breakthroughs and deep collaboration between countries, creating an acute need to put in place meaningful industry standards, the MIIT said. 

China would work with other countries to resolve global issues concerning AI ethics, security and privacy, and promote the construction of a fairer, more reasonable and effective global AI governance system, Wang Peng, an associate researcher at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Thursday.

China will place more emphasis on the high quality growth and sustainable development of the AI in the future, Wang added, noting the proposed standards could play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AI development and collaboration on an international scale.

In October 2023, China put forward the Global AI Governance Initiative, which covers AI development, safety and governance. It offered a constructive way of thinking on AI issues that will provide a reference for relevant global discussions and rule-making.

The vast potential of AI across the economy has also attracted interest from major international players. 

Recently, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Juniper Networks, a leader in AI-native networks, announced that they have entered an agreement under which HPE will acquire Juniper in an all-cash transaction for $40.00 per share, representing an equity value of approximately $14 billion.

The combination of HPE and Juniper advances HPE's portfolio mix shift toward higher-growth solutions and strengthens its high-margin networking business. Following the merger, the overall network business line will be stronger and better able to provide network equipment services to Chinese users, the company said.